When your work speaks for
itself, don't interrupt.
-- Unknown |
When you find what's worth
keeping, with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.
-- Robbie Robertson |
I love to tell stories,
create emotions, and show beauty.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Art has nothing to do with
communication between person and person, only with communication between
different parts of a person's mind.
-- Unknown |
A single stroke of genius
is more valuable than a life-time of uninspired drudgery.
-- Adolf Hitler |
Christ died for our sins.
Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?
-- Jules Feiffer |
The heart has a mind of
its own.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Being deeply loved by someone
gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.
-- Lao-Tzu |
There's a difference between
beauty and charm. A beautiful woman is one I notice. A charming woman is
one who notices me.
-- John Erskine |
You can get much farther
with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.
-- Al Capone |
I went searching for myself
and the only thing I found was that I'm still lost.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
A man without vices is a
man without virtues.
-- Abraham Lincoln |
If you are ever in doubt
as to whether to kiss a pretty girl, always give her the benefit of the
-- Thomas Carlyle |
I was never more aware of
how far I was away from my goal until I was standing right next to it.
-- Unknown |
Go with the flow... But
steer the rudder.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Keep your chin up... Drinks
go down better that way.
-- My Aunt Suzie |
No matter how famous you
get, sometimes you still gotta go pee in the woods.
-- Unknown |
People are as happy as they
make up their minds to be.
-- Abraham Lincoln |
All religions are true.
Who are we to judge?
-- Unknown |
Never be satisfied with
the status quo.
-- Unknown |
Life is a project that I
don't want to complete.
-- Unknown |
Between the breath and the
death lies the moment.
-- Unknown |
Time spent laughing is time
spent with the Gods.
-- Unknown |
True wilderness is not just
the absence of the human footprint, it is the absence of human knowledge.
-- William Dietrich |
Nobody is perfect until
you fall in love with them.
-- Unknown |
You are never given a wish
without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to
work for it however.
-- Richard Bach |
Believe you know all the
answers, and you know all the answers.
-- Richard Bach |
Every person, all the events
of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose
to do with them is up to you.
-- Richard Bach |
I look at every religion
as a different doorway to God.
-- Lewis Perdue |
Faith is our connection
with the divine, and religion is our attempt to impose our vision of God
on other people.
-- Lewis Perdue |
How can you win a war if
all you do is worry about losing one?
-- Bernard Cornwell |
You don't win a war by dying
for your country. You win a war by making the other son-of-a-bitch die
for his country.
-- General George S. Patton |
The dark was satin and delicious
to the touch.
-- Tom Holland |
Divine love is reached through
carnal love.
-- Saint Bernard |
Let me get my feces accumulated.
-- Mark Whitney |
Give into temptation and
don't worry about the fall from Grace.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Don't be dismayed at good-byes.
A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after
moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.
-- Unknown |
When the artist becomes
more important than the art, it is no longer about the art.
-- Unknown |
It is better to live rich,
than to die rich.
-- Samuel Johnson |
It is not enough to succeed,
others must fail.
-- Gore |
Insanity: A perfectly rational
adjustment to the insane world.
-- Laing |
One should forgive one's
enemies, but not before they are hanged.
-- Heine |
I used to be vain, but now
I'm perfect.
-- W.C. Fields |
It's not that I am afraid
to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.
-- Woody Allen |
Either we are the only intelligent
life-form in the universe, or we are not. Either possibility is staggering.
-- Carl Sagan |
Anchovies: A delicacy favored
by English lords and Italian whores.
-- Winston Churchill |
The true measure of a man
is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
-- Ann Landers |
If you lend someone $20,
and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
-- Unknown |
See the bridge? Get over
-- Unknown |
When all other emotions
abandon you, panic remains loyal.
-- John Welter |
All people are created equal,
but you don't have to stay that way.
-- John Welter |
Silence is only as loud
as we make it.
-- Unknown |
Ask for nothing and you
shall receive it in great abundance.
-- Unknown |
When you dig yourself into
a hole and you realize that you can't get out. Stop Digging!
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Once you hit bottom, you
can't fall any deeper.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
The heart will never lose
what it truly loves.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
I never believed that someone
could die from a broken heart, but I am living that death now.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
TV has brought murder back
into the home where it belongs.
-- Alfred Hitchcock |
Patience is such a waste
of time.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Hold you hand over your
heart and know with every beat I will always be there.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Only two things are infinite
- the universe and human stupidity, and I am not so sure about the universe.
-- Albert Einstein |
The oldest and strongest
emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is
fear of the unknown.
-- H.P. Lovecraft |
Trouble with losing your
head is, you can't look for it until you find it.
-- Steven Harriman |
Life should not measured
by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath
-- Unknown |
We are too blind to have
blind faith.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
Everyone can keep a secret,
it's only people they tell who can't.
-- Unknown |
Everyone has a photographic
memory, some just never load the film.
-- Unknown |
I never stopped loving you,
I just started loving others.
-- Lon Casler Bixby |
A great artist is a person
of vision that makes mistakes, and then uses those mistakes to achieve
their greatness.
-- Unknown |
"You can't photograph if
you're not in love."
-- W. Eugene Smith |
"Ars longa, vita brevis"
(Life is short, art eternal)
-- Hippocrates |
The best way to make your
dreams come true... is to wake up.
-- Unknown |
Even though you had a bad
day... Just remember, there's another one coming tomorrow.
-- Unknown |
Just becasue I'm paranoid,
it doesn't mean that there's not someone behind every bush.
-- Unknown |
Don't worry about the world
coming to an end today... It's already tomorrow in Australia.
-- Charles Schultz |
I'm not an artist... I'm
a fucking work of art.
-- Marilyn Manson |
If you can't be on time,
be early.
-- Unknown |
Wringin' your hands only
stops you from rollin' up you sleeves.
-- Pequot Indian Saying
(James Rollins) |
Just because you're smarter
than me, doesn't mean that I'm stupid.
-- Unknown |
I'm not here for a long
time, but I am here for a good time.
-- Unknown |
Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes
sin's a pleasure.
-- Lorn Byron |
Everything is beautiful,
all that matters is to be able to interpret.
-- Camillie Pissarro |
The secret of life is in
-- Oscar Wilde |
Art is literacy of the heart.
-- Elliot Eisner |
An artist is not paid for
his labor but for his vision.
-- James McNeill Whistler |
A work of art which did
not begin in emotion is not art.
-- Paul Cezanne |
The artist has one function
- to affirm and glorify life.
-- W. Edward Brown |
Art teaches us nothing,
except the significance of life.
-- Henry Miller |
Of what use are lens and
light to those who lack in mind and sight?
-- Unknown |
If you judge people, you
have no time to love them.
-- Mother Teresa |
Do not argue with an idiot;
people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
-- Unknown |